Board Game for ANY Novel: Literary Minds Upper Elementary Middle & High School


Literary Minds board game for ANY novel. This resource is perfect for students in middle and high school!


Literary Minds board game for ANY novel. This resource is perfect for students in middle and high school!

Engage your students in an interactive and fun board game. Use this game as a test review, end-of-novel assessment, or even an extra credit opportunity! The possibilities are endless with Literary Minds. The objective of the game is to end with the MOST points from answering questions correctly. Students will competitively race to the end while occasionally landing an action card that may or may not benefit them!

Does this work with ANY novel? Yes, absolutely! You can play this game after finishing any piece of literature!

This product includes:
-Detailed teacher directions
-Detailed student directions
-Brightly colored board game
-Student game pieces
-108 higher level questions (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy)
-Student score sheets
-EDITABLE template so you can add your own questions if you wish
-Photos of the resource in action


NOTE: All resources are digital downloads designed to be printed and distributed by the teacher. You will not receive a physical hard copy of the product. This saves in shipping costs and allows teachers the flexibility to assign the materials when convenient for them. Enjoy!


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