This GROWING BUNDLE contains ELA themed BOOM Cards for grades 4-6. This bundle includes BOOM sets for language, reading, writing and critical thinking! It will continue to grow as we design more sets.
- A growing bundle is a bundle that will continue to grow and build until all of the sets are included at a discounted price! When you first purchase the resource, it will only have the current number of sets we have created. From there, any time we design a NEW set, we will update the bundle for you to download and access.
- This is a discounted resource! If you purchased each BOOM set (guaranteed 30) separately, it would be $180. This resource is more than 30% discounted at $120.
Here’s what BOOM sets are CURRENTLY included in the bundle:
-Figurative Language
-Prepositional Phrases
-Progressive Tense
-Relative Pronouns
-Types of Sentences
-Homophones (added May 20, 2020)
-Main Idea (added June 11, 2020)
-Modal Auxiliary Verbs (added June 11, 2020)
-Adjective Phrases (added June 22, 2020)
-Synonyms and Antonyms (added June 22, 2020)
-Run-on Sentences + Sentence Fragments (added June 22, 2020)
-Commas + Punctuation (added June 25, 2020)
-Correlative Conjunctions (added July 14, 2020)
-Reflexive Pronouns (added July 15, 2020)
-Perfect verb tense (added July 15, 2020)
-Connotation and Denotation (added August 6, 2020)
-Identifying and Writing Titles Correctly (added August 6, 2020)
-Winter Poetry Elements (added August 14, 2020)
Here’s what will be in the growing bundle in the near future:
-Text structures (coming soon)
-Theme (coming soon)
-Embedding quotes (coming soon)
-Paragraph construction (coming soon)
-Seasons (winter added)
-Holiday (coming soon)
-Test prep (coming soon)
-Plot structure (coming soon)
We have NOT put a time limit on this bundle. We will work super hard to get as many BOOM sets in as quickly as possible, but we aren’t putting a time restraint on it. There will be a guarantee of at least 30 BOOM sets in the bundle.
There are a variety of different question types throughout the Boom Card decks:
- Multiple choice
- Matching
- Drag and Drop
- Passage and Respond
- Fill in the Blank
The BOOM Cards provide instant feedback for students and is a great way to promote independent learning!
Each BOOM set includes:
- A deck of 25 BOOM Cards that cover an ELA skill
- A PowerPoint presentation that highlights the overall concept of that ELA skill
- An answer key to each of the BOOM Card slides
- A PDF version of the BOOM Cards so that you can easily print them, laminate them and use them as an alternative version to the digital cards.
- This resource is NOT editable.
This resource is completely digital (unless you choose to print the PDF version). As students answer each question, they will receive immediate feedback as shown above! This helps students practice independent learning while strengthening skills.
What are the benefits of using BOOM Cards?
- Assign different students different decks for simple differentiation
- Give students immediate feedback
- Hold students accountable for independent works
- Digital awareness and practice
- 100% paperless = save paper!
What do you need in order to use BOOM Cards?
- A computer, tablet or interactive whiteboard
- An internet browser OR the free Boom app
- A free or paid BOOM account
- An internet connection
How do you assign the BOOM Cards to students?
- Login to Boom Learning or create a new account. You only need a free account! However, if you choose to upgrade, there are several options for assigning this resource!
- If using the FREE version of BOOM Learning, once you’re logged into your Boom teacher account, go to “Library,” find the deck you want students to use, click on “FastPin” and select “Generate New Pin.”
-Option A: Copy and paste the complete link for students to play, or…
-Option B: Go to the Boom main page ( on a computer (or on the Boom app). Prompt students to click on the “FastPlay” button. Enter the pin and click “play.” - If using a PAID version of BOOM Learning, you can do the following:
Get reports about student progress and activity
Easily assign students multiple decks to work on
Create an entire classroom of student logins
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NOTE: All resources are digital downloads designed to be printed and distributed by the teacher. You will not receive a physical hard copy of the product. This saves in shipping costs and allows teachers the flexibility to assign the materials when convenient for them. Enjoy!
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