Welcome! My name is Brittany Jeltema, also known as The SuperHERO Teacher, and I’m a curriculum designer, reading and writing enthusiast, and classroom flipper. The world of education was always my calling. Ever since I was little, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. Through my incredible journey of teaching for five years, I discovered my true love– designing resources for teachers and flipping their classrooms.

The resources I create are designed with the student in mind. They are hands-on, creative, engaging, and most importantly, innovative. I pride myself in creating resources that will inspire and motivate students to fall in love with all things ELA related. Whether they’re completing a novel workbook or filling out a prompt in their exit ticket journal, they’ll be engaged and focused on the task at hand because they are fun, exciting, and unique.

Okay okay, that’s great, but what else? The truth is, I am in love with life, my friends and family, and my stunning girlfriend. When I’m not creating resources or designing classrooms, I’m spending time strengthening relationships with those who support and lift me up on a daily basis. Whether we are hiking or traveling, we’re always on an adventure… and my goal is to never stop doing what I love.

If you’d like to connect or learn more about me, I’m active on Instagram! Find me here: @thesuperheroteacher